How to Display User Input on-Screen and Save as a Variable for Other Parts of the Webpage
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How to Display User Input on-Screen and Save as a Variable for Other Parts of the Webpage

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to display user input on-screen and save it as a variable for other parts of the webpage! If you’re a web developer or a coding enthusiast, you’ll likely encounter situations where you need to capture user input and use it in other parts of your webpage. In this article, we’ll explore the different ways to achieve this using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s quickly cover the basics. When a user interacts with your webpage, they provide input through various forms, such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. This input is typically stored in a variable, which can then be used to perform actions, make calculations, or display messages on the webpage.

HTML Forms and Inputs

In HTML, we use the `

` element to create a container for user input. Inside this container, we can add various input elements, such as:
  • `` for text fields
  • `` for checkboxes
  • `` for radio buttons
  • `
  • `

These input elements have attributes like `id` and `name`, which help us identify and target them using JavaScript.

Method 1: Using JavaScript and the `InputElement` Object

In this method, we’ll use JavaScript to capture user input and store it in a variable. We’ll target the input element using its `id` attribute and access its value using the `value` property.

// Get the input element
const userInput = document.getElementById('myInput');

// Add an event listener to capture the input value
userInput.addEventListener('input', () => {
  // Store the input value in a variable
  const inputValue = userInput.value;

In this example, we get the input element with the `id` “myInput” using `document.getElementById`. We then add an event listener to capture the input value whenever the user types or changes the input. The `inputValue` variable stores the current value of the input element, which we log to the console.

Displaying User Input On-Screen

To display the user input on-screen, we can create a `

` element and update its innerHTML with the input value.

// Create a paragraph element to display the input value
const displayInput = document.createElement('p');

// Update the paragraph element with the input value
userInput.addEventListener('input', () => {
  const inputValue = userInput.value;
  displayInput.innerHTML = `You entered: ${inputValue}`;

In this example, we create a new `

` element and add it to the webpage using `document.body.appendChild`. We then update the paragraph element’s innerHTML with the input value using the `innerHTML` property.

Method 2: Using HTML5 `dataset` Attribute

In this method, we’ll use the HTML5 `dataset` attribute to store user input as a custom data attribute. We’ll then access this attribute using JavaScript.

// Create an input element with a dataset attribute
const userInput = document.createElement('input');
userInput.dataset.inputValue = '';

// Add an event listener to update the dataset attribute
userInput.addEventListener('input', () => {
  userInput.dataset.inputValue = userInput.value;

In this example, we create an input element with a custom `dataset` attribute called `inputValue`. We then add an event listener to update the `inputValue` attribute with the current input value. We can access this attribute using the `dataset` property.

Displaying User Input On-Screen

To display the user input on-screen, we can access the `inputValue` attribute and update a `

` element with the value.

// Create a paragraph element to display the input value
const displayInput = document.createElement('p');

// Update the paragraph element with the input value
userInput.addEventListener('input', () => {
  const inputValue = userInput.dataset.inputValue;
  displayInput.innerHTML = `You entered: ${inputValue}`;

In this example, we access the `inputValue` attribute using the `dataset` property and update the paragraph element with the input value.

Method 3: Using a JavaScript Library or Framework

In this method, we’ll use a JavaScript library or framework, such as jQuery or React, to capture user input and store it in a variable.

Using jQuery

// Get the input element using jQuery
const userInput = $('#myInput');

// Add an event listener to capture the input value
userInput.on('input', () => {
  const inputValue = userInput.val();

In this example, we use jQuery to get the input element with the `id` “myInput” and add an event listener to capture the input value. We then access the input value using the `val()` method.

Using React

// Create a React component to capture user input
import React, { useState } from 'react';

function MyInput() {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');

  const handleInputChange = (e) => {

  return (
      <input type="text" value={inputValue} onChange={handleInputChange} />
      <p>You entered: {inputValue}</p>

In this example, we create a React component to capture user input using the `useState` hook. We then update the `inputValue` state with the current input value using the `onChange` event handler.


In this article, we’ve explored three methods to display user input on-screen and save it as a variable for other parts of the webpage. We’ve used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to capture user input, store it in a variable, and display it on-screen.

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about working with user input:

Resource Description
MDN Web Docs A comprehensive guide to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including tutorials and reference materials.
W3Schools A popular online platform for learning web development, including tutorials, examples, and reference materials.
FreeCodeCamp A non-profit organization offering a comprehensive curriculum in web development, including interactive coding challenges and projects.

We hope this article has been helpful in teaching you how to display user input on-screen and save it as a variable for other parts of the webpage. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “How to display user input on-screen and save as a variable for other parts of the webpage”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about displaying user input on-screen and saving it as a variable for other parts of the webpage!

Q1: How do I get user input from a text field and display it on the same webpage?

You can use JavaScript to get the value of the text field and then display it on the webpage using the `innerHTML` property. For example, if you have a text field with an ID of “username”, you can use the following code: `document.getElementById(“result”).innerHTML = document.getElementById(“username”).value;`. This code gets the value of the text field and displays it in an element with an ID of “result”.

Q2: How do I save user input as a variable to use in other parts of my webpage?

You can use JavaScript to declare a variable and assign it the value of the user input. For example, if you have a text field with an ID of “username”, you can use the following code: `let userInput = document.getElementById(“username”).value;`. This code declares a variable named `userInput` and assigns it the value of the text field. You can then use this variable in other parts of your webpage.

Q3: Can I use HTML only to display user input on-screen without using JavaScript?

No, you cannot use HTML only to display user input on-screen without using JavaScript. HTML is used for structuring content on the web, but it does not have the ability to dynamically update the webpage based on user input. You need to use JavaScript to get the value of the user input and update the webpage accordingly.

Q4: How do I update the webpage in real-time as the user types in the text field?

You can use the `oninput` event to update the webpage in real-time as the user types in the text field. For example, you can use the following code: `document.getElementById(“username”).oninput = function() { document.getElementById(“result”).innerHTML = document.getElementById(“username”).value; };`. This code updates the webpage in real-time as the user types in the text field.

Q5: Can I use this method to store user input in a database or send it to a server?

No, this method only saves user input as a variable in the browser’s memory. If you want to store user input in a database or send it to a server, you need to use a server-side programming language like PHP, Python, or Ruby, and a database management system like MySQL or MongoDB. You can use JavaScript to send the user input to the server using an AJAX request or a form submission.