How to Dynamically Include Fonts in info.plist Based on Configuration in Xcode?
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How to Dynamically Include Fonts in info.plist Based on Configuration in Xcode?

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Are you tired of dealing with tedious font management in your iOS app? Do you struggle with configuring fonts for different environments, such as development, staging, and production? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to dynamically include fonts in your info.plist file based on configuration in Xcode. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

The Problem: Font Management in iOS Apps

When building an iOS app, font management can be a real pain. You need to ensure that the right fonts are used in the right places, and that they’re properly configured for different environments. This can lead to a plethora of issues, including:

  • Font inconsistencies across different devices and screen sizes
  • Font rendering issues due to incorrect font formats or sizes
  • Difficulty in maintaining and updating font configurations across different environments

But fear not, dear developer! We’re about to solve these problems once and for all.

The Solution: Dynamically Including Fonts in info.plist

The key to dynamic font management lies in the info.plist file. This file contains essential information about your app, including the fonts it uses. By configuring your info.plist file to dynamically include fonts based on your Xcode configuration, you can:

  • Easily switch between different font sets for development, staging, and production environments
  • Ensure consistency in font rendering across different devices and screen sizes
  • Simplify font management and reduce maintenance hassles

So, how do we achieve this magic? Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a Font Folder in Your Project

Create a new folder in your Xcode project to store your font files. Name it something like “Fonts” or “Resources”. This folder will contain all the font files you want to use in your app.

  - font1.ttf
  - font2.otf
  - ...

Step 2: Add the Font Folder to Your Xcode Project

Drag and drop the FontFolder into your Xcode project. Make sure to add it to the correct target and ensure that the folder is included in the “Copy Bundle Resources” build phase.

xcodeproj → Targets → [Your Target] → Build Phases → Copy Bundle Resources → + → FontFolder

Step 3: Create a Configuration File for Fonts

Create a new file in your project, named something like “Fonts.plist” or “FontConfig.plist”. This file will contain the font configurations for each environment.


In this example, we have three environments: Development (FontsDev), Staging (FontsStag), and Production (FontsProd). Each environment has its own set of font files.

Step 4: Create a Script to Dynamically Include Fonts in info.plist

Create a new “Run Script” build phase in your Xcode project. Name it something like “Dynamically Include Fonts” or “Font Configurator”. This script will read the Fonts.plist file and dynamically include the correct font files in the info.plist file.
  # Read the font configuration for the current environment
  FONT_CONFIG=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :$XCODE_CONFIGURATION" "$FONT_CONFIG_FILE")
  # Get the font files for the current environment
  # Dynamically include the font files in the info.plist file
  /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :UIAppFonts ${FONT_FILES[@]}" "$INFO_PLIST_FILE"

This script reads the Fonts.plist file, determines the current environment based on the Xcode configuration, and dynamically includes the correct font files in the info.plist file.

Step 5: Configure Your Xcode Project to Use the Script

Go to your Xcode project settings and add the “Dynamically Include Fonts” script to the “Build Phases” section. Make sure to add it before the “Copy Bundle Resources” phase.

xcodeproj → Targets → [Your Target] → Build Phases → + → Dynamically Include Fonts

Putting it All Together

That’s it! You’ve successfully configured your Xcode project to dynamically include fonts in your info.plist file based on your configuration. Now, when you build and run your app, the correct font files will be included and used in your app.

Environment Font Files
Development font1.ttf, font2.otf
Staging font3.ttf, font4.otf
Production font5.ttf, font6.otf

In this example, when you build and run your app in the Development environment, the font1.ttf and font2.otf files will be included in the info.plist file. Similarly, when you build and run your app in the Staging or Production environments, the correct font files will be included.


Dynamically including fonts in your info.plist file based on configuration in Xcode is a powerful technique that can simplify font management and reduce maintenance hassles. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily switch between different font sets for development, staging, and production environments.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and take your iOS app to the next level!

Happy coding!

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